Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Weird Theater Superstitions and Traditions

Hello all you fabulous readers! So today I will be telling you about some really weird theater traditions and superstitions. Everyone's heard of how you say break a leg but there are some other really weird ones. Like NEVER apply makeup with a rabbit's foot. Never. Just don't do it. NEVER knit in the wings. Sorry guys can't make those hats anymore. Also NEVER exit the dressing room right foot first. Oh no! I hope I won't be cursed forever if I've accidentally dome that. As for traditions I don't really know many. Before the shows though at my school what we do is put our hand in a fist with our pinky up. The place it against another person's hand you each kiss your own hand. Why do we do it? I dunno. We were just taught it on opening night. Other things? Well wearing blue and yellow will make you forget your lines. So that's why one of the girls forgot her line She was wearing a blue and yellow toga! And apparently you aren't supposed to speak the last line of the show before opening night. This is terrible! We always spoke the last line of the show in rehearsal! The world is going to end!!!! Ok that's it for my overly exaggerated theater superstitions. Know any more weird ones? Please comment.
                          <3Victoria (aka Kira)

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